
Dealer Application

Complete your application form and upload the required documents


Dealer Application
Physical Address
Physical Address
Postal Address
Postal Address

List of Directors

Trade References


National Supplier
Dealer Network Exists
Has The Business Ever Been Under Any Judicial Management Or Has Judgement Recorded Against It

I/WE CONSENT TO Technofin (Pty) Ltd (“Technofin”) or its cessionary making enquiries about my/our credit record with any credit reference agency and any other party to confirm the details on this application. Technofin or its cessionary may also provide credit reference agencies with regular updates regarding how I/we manage my/our account, including my/our failure to meet agreed terms and conditions., I/we consent that credit reference agencies may, in turn, make the records and details available to other credit grantors. Technofin or its cessionary may also give this information to any person who in its opinion needs it to carry out any of Technofin or its cessionary’s rights or duties in terms of the contract or any law pertaining to the products I/we have requested.

I certify that the above details are true and correct

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

1) Copy of cancelled bank cheque and letterhead
2) Copy of Company documents (CK1 and/or Certificate of Inc)
3) Copy of Directors/Members/Individuals’ Identity Documents
4) Brief profile on your Company
5) Latest Financial information
6) VAT registration


Advantages of renting

  • Rentals can be tailored to your individual needs. We can use annual escalation in line with inflation and reduce the initial rentals


  • Monthly rentals of capital equipment are an affordable option allowing you the use of the equipment without any capital outlay.


  • Ex VAT rentals are 100% tax deductible as an operating expense in your income statement which would then reduce your income tax obligations.
  • Capital financed is not placed on your balance sheet as a long-term liability, thus return on asset ratios are improved. and do not have to be capitalized like a lease. This would benefit you when a bank needs to assess your financial position
  • As rentals are an operating expense and not capital expense, they are not governed by capital expenditure budgets.
  • As rentals are off balance sheet, your equity/ current/ return on assets ratios are improved and do not have to be capitalized like a lease.
  • You will be entitled to deduct VAT paid from VAT collected which will result in a major saving.
  • VAT is claimed back monthly, and thus is not capitalized over the period.
  • You have the option of upgrading the equipment before the end of the contract thereby providing the flexibility to change in line with modern technology.
  • Further on-going rental secured by the inclusion of a simple upgrade option free of additional VAT on the original equipment.
  • Allow businesses to keep up with lastest technology.
  • Software can be included on rentals but not on a lease.
  • No deposit is required on a rental agreement.
  • At the end of initial rental period you can continue renting the equipment for a nominal amount per annum.


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